Training offer

Offering diversified training programmes and a dynamic doctoral policy


The UMR’s training offer is highly diversified with 11 specialties in the Master’s 2nd Year and excellence programmes founded on international collaborations.


Our doctoral policy is based on recruiting contract-holding doctoral students and on finding alternative sources of doctoral funding (CNRS, Region, CIFRE, ADEME...). The key points of our rich offer in doctoral training include inserting doctoral students into collective research programmes, providing material support and organising doctorials: at the Summer International University of Mercantour since 2008; at the Ecole Doctorale des Juristes Méditerranéens (EDJM) (Doctoral School for Mediterranean lawyers) since 2009; at the Summer school on the «Practice of the international law of human rights» (Ecole d’été sur la pratique du droit international des droits de l’homme d’Aixen-Provence - http://www.aixglobaljustice. org/ecole-d-ete) and at the Summer University for transitional law (Université d’été sur la « Justice transitionnelle ») since 2015.


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