Presentation EN

L’UMR 7318 - DICE
International, Comparative and European Law     



A multi-site UMR

Mixed Research Unit (UMR) 7318 was established in 2004 through the merger of 4 teams and it operates on 3 university sites:

At Aix-Marseille University (AMU)
Centre for International and European Studies and Research
(Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires/CERIC) CERIC was established in 1973 and was an associated research unit (URA 1391) from 1989 to 1996, then an associated research team (ESA 6108) from 1997, and it became a mixed research unit (UMR 6108) in 1999.


Louis Favoreu Institute/Group for Comparative Studies and Research on Constitutional Justice (Institut Louis Favoreu/Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches Comparées sur la Justice Constitutionnelle/ILF/GERJC).
GERJC was established in 1977 and became a mixed research unit (UMR 6055) in 1984. In 2004, it was named Institut Louis Favoreu, after his founder’s name.

Humanitarian Law and Crisis Management (Droit Humanitaire et Gestion des Crises/DHUGESCRI)
DHUGESCRI was established in 2000 and, from 2008 to 2011, was labelled as a theme research team on human security.University of Toulon.



University of Toulon (Université de Toulon/UTLN)
Jean-Claude Escarras Centre for Comparative Law and Politics (Centre de Droit et Politique Comparés Jean-Claude Escarras/CDPC Jean-Claude Escarras)
CDPC was established in 1985 and became a mixed research unit (UMR 6055) in 2000.



University of Pau and Adour Territories (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour/UPPA)
Institute for Iberian and Iberian-American Studies (Institut d’Etudes Ibériques et Ibérico-Américaines/IE2IA)
IE2IA wad founded in 1973 and became a CNRS-associated research unit (URA 1421) in 1990, Higher Education Proper Research Unit (UPRES-A 5058), then mixed research unit (UMR 5058) in 1995.


UMR DICE is also affiliated to two CNRS institutes: the Institute of Human and Social Sciences (Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales/INSHS, section 36) and the Ecology and Environment Institute (Institut Ecologie et Environnement/INEE, section 45).

The UMR numbers close to 100 teacher-researchers and researchers, and more than 150 doctoral and post-doctoral students.

Building a collective identity respectful of disciplinary diversity

  • Identity building

The UMR’s scientific identity stems from its capacity to develop a type of research which is widely open to international and European issues and to the demands of pluridisciplinarity, and durably driven by comparative questioning.

  • The converging axes of our scientific developments

- new normative and institutional configurations,
- fundamental rights,
- environmental rights,
- security, defence, peace-keeping and state reconstruction.


  • Practical achievements

- UMR Days on subjects collectively determined and with result-specific publication support,
- UMR monthly seminars, video-conferenced over our three sites,
- The UMR doctoral thesis award,
- common projects (research programmes, conferences and scientific events, publications)
- Two book series: « À la croisée des droits » (Law systems at the crossroads) at Editions Bruylant (Brussels), and our new-born series of digital publications « Confluence des droits » (Confluence of laws) developed by the UMR,
- a biannual newsletter.

To know more about the UMR DICE ...
(new brochure in translation)